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Jul 04, 2023Anime Accessories That Will Make You Excited to Get Back to School
It’s time to get back find all of your supplies and get back to school. But maybe these anime accessories will make the end of summer okay.
I remember back to school-time. For me there was always a solid week of genuine nerdy ‘I enjoy school’ excitement followed by a remembering that I didn’t enjoy hours of homework, crowded hallways, and the whole ‘asking permission to use the bathroom’ system. But at least I was back to regularly seeing my friends who had scattered for the summer. I’m not going to say these accessories will make you have a great school year. But sometimes using stuff that you like can make your day a little more fun.
The first thing everybody needs for class is a bag to carry around all of their books in. When I was in high school we had a positive scoliosis-causing number of books that we had to have with us every day, and I’m truly sorry if that is still the case. But hopefully, a cute backpack will help you shoulder (‘ehhh?) the load. This one is waterproof, had an extra front and side pocket, and even a laptop pocket inside.
There are a lot of directions to go in when it comes to bringing lunch. You can take the standard brown-paper-bag route, get an insulated bag, or just shove some random snacks in your backpack last minute. Personally, I was a ‘forget my lunch on the counter every day’ sort of kid. But right now I’m a fan of these bento-style lunch boxes. Bento boxes have been popular for lunch-brining in Japan forever and you probably see them in anime all the time, but now they’re getting popular around the world too. This is great if you like having an organized way to bring a wide variety of portioned lunch and snack options.
If you’re a pen-to-paper sort of note-taker, you’re going to need a notebook. And honestly, the notebook from Deathnote is a hilarious way to go about it. Is it sort of dark considering the rules of the series? Sure. But just don’t write the names of any living people in there and you’re fine.
If you’re instead a laptop note-taker, you probably have a fairly boring laptop or tablet that you’re carrying around with you. Make it a little more fun and a little more your own with a big pack of decorative stickers. If the unit isn’t yours but borrowed from the school, don’t put stickers on it directly, but there are skins that are similarly fun and personal, but can peel off relatively easily at the end of the year.
Are sword pens silly? Yes. but they’re also goofy and fun. And with a little display stand, they also are a tiny little statement piece for your desk. I don’t think I’d bring these pens to class, but if homework is an experience that could be made a little more fun, this may help. They also come in a variety of characters, so pick your favorite sword wielder and get writing!
Oh hey! BoLS might make a little dolla-dolla if you decide to buy these items. We need that money to pay somebody to figure out why we’re still having “finals are tomorrow and I’ve missed class ALL SEMESTER” nightmares deep into our 30s.
FIGHTING EVIL BY MOONLIGHT!ITADAKIMASU!JUST BE CAREFUL WRITING NAMES…. I GUESS?NO REASON FOR A BORING LAPTOPIS IT MIGHTIER?Oh hey! BoLS might make a little dolla-dolla if you decide to buy these items. We need that mmissed class ALL SEMESTER” nightmares deep into our 30s.